During the summer of 2018, the dramatic real tale of a Thai boys' soccer team trapped in a flooded cave and their rescue by a multinational team of divers, including a handful of primarily British volunteers, startled the globe. The story's theme of overcoming immense difficulties continues to intrigue filmmakers and fans alike four years later. Cave Rescue Afdah
"The Rescue," a fascinating documentary by Jimmy Chin and Elizabeth Chai Wasserhelli, the husband-and-wife team behind the mountain-climbing movie "Meru" and the Oscar-winning "Free Solo," was released last autumn. And this week sees the release of not one, but two films based on the same story: "Cave Rescue," a remake accessible on demand and in select cinemas, featuring diver Jim Varney himself, and Amazon's "Thirteen Lives," directed by Ron Howard. ("We Feed People"), featuring Colin Farrell and Viggo Mortensen as divers John Volanthen and Rick Stanton, who stole the show in "The Rescue." (On September 22, Netflix will release "Thai Cave Rescue," a six-episode miniseries recounted from the boys' perspective.) Cave Rescue Flixtor
To be honest, I'm likely to watch them all.
It's not that "survival" isn't a difficult task. Chin and Wasserhelli tell the narrative with a compelling intensity that is difficult to match, mostly through interviews with Volanthen and Stanton and blending historical film footage from a Thai cave with reenactments taken in an English pool. is challenging But Howard's picture achieves precisely what it needs (and sets out to do): immerse you in nail-biting events in a claustrophobic location - dark, chilly, and slimy tunnels and fissures, many of which are studded with dagger-like stalactites and stalagmites on top and bottom. With a group of young Thai actors, "Thirteen Lives" convincingly recreates the physical hazards and what was truly at stake. Cave Rescue FMovies
The film's actual genius, if that's a strong enough term, is in focusing on Farrell and Mortenson's personalities when the sequence features divers advised by Vern Unsworth (Lewis Fitz) amid the unprepared Thai Navy. Turns away from the seals' ineffective efforts. -Gerald), an ex-pat British caver who resided near the cave. (As you may recall, Elon Musk publicly ridiculed Unsworth when Unsworth opposed Musk's ambition to create a rescue mini-submarine.) Joel Edgerton, an Australian diver and anesthesiologist who played a key - and, for those who don't recall the facts of the event, startling - role in the rescue, also appears. Flixtor allow you to quickly search for any movie or show from anywhere in the globe.
Farrell and Mortenson do an admirable job of capturing not only Volanthen and Stanton's eccentric personalities and quirks, but also their ultimate appeal: they are aristocratic but aspiring heroes who, through a lifetime of practicing a peculiar hobby, have all become better than The world they do for fun (which, it should be noted, is something most sane people would not do for a sum of money). The film "Rescue" makes it apparent that these folks, like skilled mountaineers, are a rare species. In a nutshell, they both become calm, concentrated, and focused in situations that would normally frighten the rest of us.
"Thirteen Lives" is a superb technical and dramatic feat, building tension with a ticktock clock and frequently superimposing on-screen diagrams of the mile-long underground system. It's not glamorous, like its heroes, but it's all business. It accomplishes its goal with a minimum of histrionics and a mountain of suspense.